

reading VRML97 and HTML & CGI. Now I can understand the codes of VRML
(Virtual Reality Modeling Language) and modify the codes of examples
in the book. Certainly, it is easier to design a 3D interactive Web Site
using some visual 3D programs like AutoCAD than writing the codes myself.
I can use prgram languages Perl and Java to writing small progrms. I
believe, it takes not long that I can understand and write Perl & Java
scripts for Webs.
The next step after the Diploma
Thesis is the examination for the bachelor degree. More than three months
hard work is prospective. What is waiting for me after the diploma ?
for Job:
I 'm looking for a permanent
job for starting my career after the bachelor degree.
I would like to be a business man or
a deputy for a Swiss company in Asia. I have many friends working in this
branch and have contacts especially in energy area. I have much experience
by business contact to China, and I will have a MBA course.
I am
also interested in Informatics. It
is my minor subject in the university.
that is what I have studied so many years, I
don't like to work in laboratory. Maybe I'm now an expert of Molecular
Replacement, that is just because the interesting was enhanced by working
all the time with Unix-scripts, Perl. I'm proud of my Diploma
Studying further ?
I would not study
pure biochemistry further.
If there is
doctorate position for Informatics could be
found, mmhhh ! I will see if the project is attractive.
Economics, maybe I
could learn accounting, business economics in my spare time in the future. I have always
a great unrealizable plan.
Swiss German, French, Japanese and Spanish,
that's all I would like to learn for years and is still dream to realize.
Molecular Replacement !
Like the most of you, I had never heard it before I began to study it last April. I learnt Crystallography,
worked with
Unix System and program language Perl. Everything was new for me ! Crystallography is
very complicated but I could escape away from counting tiny drops in lab.
My diploma thesis is now on the table of our professor.
one of the founders to establish a tennis club for the Chinese students in
Zurich. We've rent three tennis courts in Irchel on Sunday. Our two
invited coaches play very well. It is a good chance for me to impove my
tequnique. In another hand, I'm one of the coach for the beginner. I'm a good teacher for a tennis kindergarten.
a founder of company AMK-Solac
Systems AG, it sells all glas vacuum solar collector, which has been
developed by my father. it is my single business, which is still working
on with hope. I will design a new web site for this company.